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Welcome to GPS to Map
A service from the Beaver-Mania team, when you're on the road , between games!
What is and can do the GPS to Map Service?
GPS to Map is a service that allows you to share your current position with family, friends or acquaintances. In the event of theft, you can also query the position yourself if it is still being sent. The main difference to many other services of this kind, which was also very important to us, is that all data is stored anonymously and cannot be processed in a personalized way. All the service knows is the device type, the serial number and possibly a password that you have assigned. The service was brought to life in a first version by Uwe Markus, many thanks for that, and ultimately had to be completely rewritten to avoid overloading the server. Now he is being maintained by the Beaver-Mania team. The service requires a device that can send GPS data to a configurable address (e.g. the Teltonika RUT955 router).
GPS to Map ...
- shows the current position quickly and easily by calling up an individual URL
- is independent of third-party websites or other services
- works without login or registration, everything is absolutely anonymous!
- is quick and easy to set up and use
- works with a variety of devices, e.g. also with the Teltonika GPS routers RUT850 and RUT955
GPS to Map can not ...
- Track or manage paths, only the last position is displayed
- store any additional data other than the last coordinates under an anonymous identifier
- enable an evaluation or analysis of the data by us or third parties
- infer the user from the display URL in any way
- be expanded to include more functions
Is the GPS to Map service chargeable?
The GPS to Map service is completely free to use and as such is provided by the Beaver-Mania team. Since the server and the service
itself cause costs for us, we would be happy if you support the service by buying a Beaver-Mania Card Game and recommend it to friends and acquaintances.
We are a small independent publisher and look forward to every recommendation. Thanks!
To avoid overload the free service is limited to an update interval of 10 minutes. By subscribing to the GPS-to-Map App the interval is automatically reduced to 60 seconds. If a shorter intervals is required please contact us. Further important information on the use of the service can be found below.
How is the service set up and used?
The site https://gps-to-map.biber-mania.eu offers a free service for processing the
GPS signals sent by the Teltonika RUT955 and other systems that send NMEA data. The configuration takes place exclusively on your device, no registration or configuration is required on
our website.
Sending the data from the router
To do this, you simply have to activate the sending of data via https in the router and as a host you enter your Device specific URL.
The URL is structured as: https://gps-to-map.biber-mania.eu/{Devicetype}pos
for example: https://gps-to-map.biber-mania.eu/rut955pos or https://gps-to-map.biber-mania.eu/rutx11pos.
If the data is sent from the router (sending GPRMC data must be activated) the position can be retrieved immediately. If displaying is not possible, there is something wrong with the configuration in the router. There is no time delay when the position is first displayed.
(If there are problems, the router firmware may need to be updated.)
Position display
In order to retrieve the position, one needs the serial number or identifier of the router. With that serial number/identifier, anyone who knows the correct link can then get
the current position and speed of the router's location.
The link is structured as: https://gps-to-map.biber-mania.eu/{Devicetype}-{Serialnumber}
for example: https://gps-to-map.biber-mania.eu/rut955-123456789 or https://gps-to-map.biber-mania.eu/rutx11-123456789
Then the display page opens with your current position. From this page you can also send an e-mail with the link to the position display to authorized persons.
Below you can download the configuration help for the devices known to us. If you use another device that can send NMEA data please contact us.
Just test it with this test link:
Tip: Your browser settings (especially in Safari) may prevent the map from being displayed. Then just try Firefox or Chrome or change the security settings accordingly.
Important information:
Only the last data record is saved anonymously in the database. The data record consists of an encrypted (MD5) hash code of the serial number, which cannot be decrypted again,
from the current position and the speed. No progress or history is saved.
More information on data protection and anonymity
The database is on a German server and is subject to German data protection law. No information is stored in the database that can be used to identify the user.
Only one, the last position report, is saved for each user!
What to consider when using the service?
The GPS to Map service can be used completely free of charge, but we ask for your understanding that it is not possible for us to offer free support. Please support each other in the
well-known discussion forums or use the fee-based setup support that we can of course offer. Inquiries by email.
If the service is used free of charge, there is no entitlement to availability. The service can be deactivated at any time without giving reasons.
Please note the data protection regulations on the Imprint page.
As mentioned above, the update interval is limited. This means that the position data is only updated on the server after the waiting time has elapsed.
Unfortunately, the past has shown that limiting the interval on the server side is not enough to prevent server overload. Although the update only took place after a configured
period of time, users bombarded the server with update requests, which led to an overload and the termination of the service. To prevent this, a time management system was implemented,
which ultimately forces the user to adjust their router configuration and to limit update requests on the router side.
How does this time management work? Each user who uses the service free of charge is granted a time window of 120 seconds as standard.
This means that in these 120 seconds a maximum of one request may be made from the GPS router to the GPS to Map service. If more requests will be sent this results in shifts
of the time window by 120 seconds and an error counter is incremented. The update interval of 10 minutes remains unaffected.
Example of the 10-minute free tier:
The router sends an update to the GPS to Map service at 10:00 am and the server updates the data; the next update will not be accepted from the server at 10:10 am.
If the router sends updates before then, e.g. every minute, the time window is shifted by 2 minutes and nothing is updated either.
An incorrect configuration of the router, i.e. update intervals of less than 120 seconds, will inevitably mean that the GPS data on the server will no longer be updated.
The user is therefore obliged to adapt his configuration accordingly or to switch to a different quota.
(Check the error counter in the position display regularly! If this rises above 10000, the device is permanently blocked and can only be released again manually!)
Configuration aids: